Preparations for this Guide began following an initiative by the then Touring Convenor of the NSW Caoe Asociation lnc., Ron Murray, in I985 to undertake a revision and update of the former NSW Canoe Association lnc. pub- lication "Canoeing Guide of NSW Rivers". A touring Guide sub-committee was established under the Chairmanship of Peter Blackwell and work commenced compiling recent infor- mation on NSW rivers. Like all voluntary undertakings, the pressures of time, busi- ness, work, study, family and other personal commitments, as well as finding the funds to publish this Guide, meant that the project would take a number of years and that inevitably some original members of the sub- committee would not be able to maintain their involvement over a lengthy period of time. Sincere appreciation is extended to those people - Brian Ducker, Ray Morton, Ron Murray, Steve Reid and Vicki and Denis Welton - who worked on the sub-committee in the early stages of the project and espe- cially to Brian Ducker and Ray Morton who contributed significantly in the first two years. Special thanks are given to Peter Blackwell, Rick Fitzgerald and Mercy Kibbey who worked on The Guide from its earliest days through to its completion; with Peter and Rick doing the majority of compilational, organisa- tional, proof-reading and editorial work and Mercy drawing the river maps. Sincere thanks also go to Anna Coote who completed the monumental task of typing the manuscript and who provided the incentive to complete the Guide; to Canoe & Camping Supplies for use of topographical maps; to the late Spike Gledhill for proof-reading and information on rivers; to the University of New England Mountaineering Club for permission to use information from their book "A Guide to Northeastern New South Wales", and to John Roberts for drawing the regional maps. Many people have helped in the preparation of this Guide by supplying information, written reports, photographs, maps and in other ways. To these people the NSW Canoe Association lnc. passes on its grateful thanks and acknowledges their assistance below. (The number in brackets after a river refers to the section of that river reported on):
lan Adamson information on Lachlan (1,2)
Peter Blackwell descriptions of Apsley, Barrington, Bellinger, Clarence, Colo, Goobarragandra, Hastings, Hawkesbury River & Estuary, Karuah, Lake Yarrunga, Macleay, Manning, Murray ('1,2), Pittwater, Shoalhaven (1-5,7), Styx, Sydney Harbour; notes on Wollondilly and additional information on other rivers; preparing the district maps.
Tony Burke information on Blicks.
Jamie Campbell description of Abercrombie (3)
Canobolas Canoe Club information on Macquarie (5,6).
Anna Coote description of Gloucester and information on Namoi (3).
Jim Curtin descriptions of Georges, Woronora.
Brian Ducker descriptions of Abercrombie (1), Barnard (1), Clyde, Cox's ('1,2), Deua, Fish, Guy Fawkes, Macquarie (1), Mitchett (1), Turon, Williams.
Louise Duff description of Myall Lakes.
Bob Embrey description of Richmond (1).
Rick Fitzgerald descriptions of Abercrombie (2), Boyd, Macquarie (2-7),Murray (g-8), Murrumbidgee (3-7, 9-22), Nepean (2-1 0), Nymboida (1-4), Port Hacking, Shoalhaven (8), Snowy (2-6), Tumut, Wollondilly; additional information on Shoalhaven (6) and other rivers.
Steve Foster description and map of Snowy (1 ).
Anne Gardner description of Hunter.
Spike Gledhill descriptions of Murrumbidgee (1,2,9) and additional information on Goodradigbee and Murrumbidgee (1 0-1 5).
John Holmes information on Snowy (3) and Murrumbidgee (4,5,8).
Matt Kilby information on Barrington.
Holger Knaack description of Swampy Plain.
Rudy Kopecny description of Grose.
Rick Miller descriptions of Nepean (1), Woronora (1).
Ray Morton descriptions of Barnard (2), Danjera Dam, Goodradigbee, Kangaroo, Mitchell (2), Nymboida (5), Shoalhaven (6), Tuross.
Ron Murray additional inlormation on Colo, Grose, Snowy (6).
Steve Nomchong information on Lachlan (1,2\.
Bob Pike description of Pigna Barney/Upper Manning. Additional information on the Colo.
Steven Robinson descriptions of Eucumbene, Yarrangobilly; map and notes on Wollondilly
Mark Rotunno descriptions of Cataract, Glenbrook Creek, Nepean (1).
Richard Schultz additional information on Munumbidgee (8).
Don Tomlinson, information on Goolang and Blaxland Creeks, Richmond.
Total Environment Centre Conservation chapter.
Dick Valler Safety and Equipment chapter.
Alan Warth additional information on Namoi (3)
Vicki & Denis Welton information on Apsley, Kangaroo, Namoi(3).
Matt White descriptions of Cox's (3), Thredbo, Gwydir (3), Namoi (3,4).
Wayne Witchard description of Namoi (1,2).
The photographs were supplied by Chris Bellamy, Peter Blackwell, George Clark, Tony Crichton, Jim Curtin, Danny Davis, Brian Ducker, Rick Fitzgerald, Steve Foster, Hans Junger, Mercy Kibbey, Rudy Kopecny, Ray Morton, Sue Newcombe, Oliver Ockerlander, Mark Rotunno, Dick Valler, John Wilde and Matt White.