Cotter Junction To Uriarra Crossing
posted by NSW Canoe Guide
on Fri, 2012-07-27 13:00

Alternate Name:
Cotter Junction To Uriarra Crossing - alt
Murrumbidgee River
Main Entry Point:
Main Exit Point:
In this section the river is fairly wide in most parts and winds its way through hilly country, giving the impression of isolation in some stretches. It is a most picturesque trip and recommended for the appreciative tourer. The first 2km have good straightforward and enjoyable grade 1-2 rapids which gradually ease. A long grade 2 rapid near the end of the trip provides an interesting finish. Be aware of swimmers in the last 2km.
Trip Duration:
2-4 hours'; small experienced groups could do the trip in 1
Trip Length:
Average Grade:
Highest Grade:
Shuttle Length:
The easier car shuttle route is on the western side of the river. Turn left out of Cotter Camping Area and follow the signs to Uriarra. (The return car shuttle is 28km and takes 25-30 minutes.) There is no public access below Casuarina Sands.
Hot Tip:
This section is subject to flash floods so check conditions beforehand.2. Do not attempt to paddle the weir at Casuarina Sands.
Section location:
POINT (148.95229110679 -35.280659169379)