Kambah Pool To Cotter Junction
posted by NSW Canoe Guide
on Fri, 2012-07-27 13:00

Alternate Name:
Kambah Pool To Cotter Junction - alt
Murrumbidgee River
Main Entry Point:
Main Exit Point:
On the western side of the river the high, wooded Bullen Range forms an imposing backdrop, while on the eastern side hilly farming opens up after the first 5km. The first stretch flows through gorge like country. The beginning of the trip is difficult being 1 km of rocky grade 2-3 rapids which need careful attention. From here the river is a series of pools and grade 2-3 rapids some of which are quite long. The individual components of the rapids are not a problem but the overall effect is hard on novices. One rapid in particular, 3km from the start where the river turns west under a cliff on the right, requires a deal of manoeuvring to avoid rocks downstream of the initial 1 m drop on the left of the river. Just before Cotter Junction, there is a steep 2.5m drop consisting of a fall on the left and in the middle of the river and a messy rapid to the right. The centre looks easy, but has nasty hidden rocks. The right channel is the easiest. This rapid may have to be portaged; the right bank is preferable.
Trip Duration:
4 hours
Trip Length:
Average Grade:
Highest Grade:
Shuttle Length:
The car shuttle takes 25 minutes one way and is on bitumen roads. There is no public road access between Kambah Pool and Cotter.
Level Information:
minimum 1.2 m
optimum 1.7 m
maximum 2.2 m
Section location:
POINT (148.97563705405 -35.350695238346)