Pine Island To Kambah Pool
posted by NSW Canoe Guide
on Fri, 2012-07-27 13:00

Alternate Name:
Pine Island To Kambah Pool - alt
Murrumbidgee River
Main Entry Point:
Main Exit Point:
The renowned "Red Rock Gorge" in this section is a spectacular sight, particularly when the red cliffs catch the afternoon sun. The gorge is difficult to negotiate, potentially dangerous, and contains a narrow, turbulent 100m long chasm which should be portaged. At the put in point there is a good grade 2-3 chute immediately downstream which has big pressure waves in high water. The first 2km is open and hilly country, where the river is wide with small rapids and gravel races, some of which are quite long. After 2km Village Creek comes in on the right, the river turns sharply to the west, and the gorge itself begins. The river here is still wide, but there is a need for manoeuvring around rocks before the first main rapid. This rapid is best shot on the left and should be inspected from the left bank. It is hard grade 3 with a tricky, turbulent entry before the 1.5m drop into a swirling pool. One hundred metres downstream the whole river plunges into the narrow chasm at the right end of the pool. It is STRONGLY ADVISED NOT TO PADDLE THIS CHASM as boats have become wedged in rocks halfway down. It is readily portaged by disembarking on the sandy beach at the left end of the pool above it and putting in below the chasm. The river now is contained within the gorge walls, which are quite steep and high in places. Shortly downstream of the chasm, another portage around a boulder which overhangs a difficult drop may have to be made on the left. From here all rapids can be canoed. They are generally grade 3 (some grade 4 in high water) and can be rocky in low water. In high water the current can be quite swift in the short pools between them. After the last drop, 1.5km from the end, the river widens considerably and there are no further rapids until Kambah Pool.
Grade III play_run
Trip Duration:
2-4 hours' depending on water level, size of party and the n
Trip Length:
Average Grade:
Highest Grade:
Shuttle Length:
From Kambah to Pine Island is 14km. There is no road access in between although there is a walking track running along the hillside at the top of the gorge on the eastern side.
Hot Tip:
This section is potentially dangerous and is not recommended in very high water.2. The chasm should not be attempted.
Level Information:
minimum 1.2 m
Section location:
POINT (149.03674850423 -35.406680409338)