Abercrombie Bridge To Wyangala Storage
posted by NSW Canoe Guide
on Fri, 2014-12-12 05:39

Alternate Name:
Abercrombie to Gertie's
Abercrombie River
Main Entry Point:
Main Exit Point:
The river in this section is small to medium sized, dependent upon good local rainfall to make it canoeable. This trip will be an overnight trip by average paddlers and as such the paddlers must be totally self sufficient as this area is not accessible by road. The nights can be cold, especially if you get wet. This section has surprised many travellers for its difficulty factor, both with low water (portage) or high water (Damage.) Campsites are where you find them.
At low water levels the many exposed rocks are very sharp and quickly damage fibreglass boats: The first 12-14km contain the only rapids as the river passes through rugged, scrubby country with many exposed cliff faces. The rapids are grade 2-3 depending upon water levels and are all fairly straightforward. In high water this first stretch is very exciting with large standing waves and numerous small stoppers. About 7km from the bridge there is a large stopper at the head of a right-hand channel. It is possible to paddle through this but one needs to be prepared as it comes up unexpectedly. A swim at high water levels could be very long and possibly dangerous. Also rescues would be difficult in places with the tree-lined banks. A few kilometres further downstream below the stopper is a small haystack. The play-wave here is strong enough to nose stand a kayak. Leaving the whitewater behind the country opens up to large semi-cleared hillsides. In wet weather numerous waterfalls of brown muddy water cascade down the steep hillsides. The river now widens further as you enter stored water. This varies with dam storage levels. At the end of the trip the water is very wide, a couple of hundred metres in fact. Piesley's Creek is easily recognised. As vehicle access permission is difficult to obtain in this area it recommended that the paddler continue on to the Junction of the Lachlan and Abercrombie rivers. At the junction the first large bay on your right takes you to Quartpot, which is an ideal camping spot for the waiting vehicle crew who have driven in from Lyndhurst by open gravel public road. This area is part of the Wyangala Recreation area and managed by that group. A Powered vessel with the pick up crew is recommended to travel the stored water to meet the paddling group to determine the paddlers situation. No services exist in the back waters of the recreation area. Park Management may or may not patrol this area. You may be alone out of season. Be aware where you are, to determine the distance to assistance or services. Grabine Recreation park is across the otherside of the Junction. Wyangala is 10mins by powerboat, 45mins by gravel road. Do not attempt this section unless you are fully aware and prepared. Top water level takes the stored water to approx. GPS co-ord 33.98301 - 149.19927. NOTE: see utube Abercrombie river 2012 after flood
Trip Duration:
2 days
Trip Length:
Average Grade:
Highest Grade:
Shuttle Length:
The car shuttle via Lyndhurst and Quart Pot takes 2 hours each way approx120km.
a challenge
Hot Tip:
Be prepared and equipped for maybe cold wet night in isolation. Check Storage level.
Level Information:
River level can vary suddenly and drasticly with rain in catchment. Damn level dictates distance of flat water across storage.
Extra Gauge Info:
Abercrombie @ Aber2 gauge which is just below bridge on Goulburn rd. below the entry point .. gauge no. 41200209 Photos of 8 Mar 16 gauge at .35m.
Section location:
POINT (149.15046746014 -33.93569795574)