The PaddleSafe App

 This app

  • describes over 400 rivers, lakes, dams, estuaries, bays and coastlines in NSW, Australia.
  • includes a trip planner, with safety and equipment check lists
  • current river levels

This guide is being continually updated and expanded by keen paddlers and other waterways enthusiasts via the Waterways Guide website, an initiative of Paddle NSW.

River levels and weather forecasts are sourced from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

This app was developed by Paddle NSW with generous support from the NSW Police and Emergency Services through the Water Safety Black Spots Fund 2013-14.


 Paddle NSW is the peak body for paddle sports in NSW and ACT. Run by volunteers, the organisation is dedicated to providing member paddlers with the best opportunities to pursue their sport or recreation. Paddle NSW is affiliated with Australian Canoeing, giving Paddle NSW members access to Australian Canoeing services. All paddle sports are enthusiastically supported including canoe polo, freestyle, marathon, open water, rafting, recreational paddling, sea kayaking, slalom, sprint, surf kayaking, white water, wildwater racing and adaptive paddling.

App developed by Quoll Designs

Launch image by Helen Moody. My Trip Plans image by Warwick Chate. Account Login image by Jon Mortimer. Create Account image by Chantal Bronkhorst. Sign In image by Matt McLarky.